Invited Speaker – ARC Grant-Funded Researcher, Tran Thanh Tung


University of Adelaide

Current Positions:

ARC Grant-Funded Researcher,
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
University of Adelaide

Biographical details

I am currently a lecturer and senior researcher in Prof. Dusan Losic’s Group at School of Chemical Engineering & Advanced Materials, the University of Adelaide, South Australia. I received my B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam, in 2001 and 2005 respectively, and Ph.D at Korea University (KU), South Korea in 2010, all in Materials Science and Engineering. I was a postdoc at KU (2011), LIMATB at University of South Brittany (UBS, 2011-2013) and ICPEES at CNRS-Strasbourg University (2013-2014), France. Since March 2015 I have been working at the University of Adelaide. My research interests include carbon nanomaterials, conducting polymers and nanocomposites for sensor and electronic applications. My successful bids are ARC NS Discovery, ARC linkage, and Internal and industrial projects, with a total of +$1,200,000. I published over 100 SCI articles, 8 scholar book chapters, 5 patents, and my publications have been cited +4,200 times, h-index of 40.